Cat Breed With Folded Down Ears

This backwards flattening of the ears of non-Scottish Folds transmits to other cats that they are in fight mode and that the other cat should take heed and beware.
Cat breed with folded down ears. CategoryCat breeds and types with bent ears. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Scottish Folds come in a very wide variety of colours.
The Hemingway Fold is an unrecognised variety of fold-eared cat with extra toes. This breed of cat was named Scottish Folded in the year 1966. This category is for fold and curl cat breeds with bent ears.
The Scottish Fold is the most well-known folded ear cat. We brought him to the vet two weeks ago for another minor issue and she checked out his ears and everything looked good. Some of the various names of folded ear cats are Highland Fold Scottish Fold and the Coupari.
They are known for being loyal and affectionate but can be timid around strangers. When Scottish Fold kittens are born they have normal ears and it takes about 2-3 weeks before they start to fold. Again they can be different depending on the breed.
This white female cat with the folded ears was named Susie. The ears on this cat were folded in a strange way. Different cat registries have named the folded ear cat differently.
Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears but they fold when they are around 21 days old. They stay folded even when the cat is an adult. This is a relatively rare breed of cat that requires plenty of attention.